Category: Payroll Taxes

Category: Payroll Taxes

How a Payroll Tax Attorney Can Defend Your Business Against IRS Payroll Tax Actions

HOW A PAYROLL TAX ATTORNEY CAN DEFEND YOUR BUSINESSBusinesses face many challenges, but one that can jeopardize both financial stability and future operations is a payroll tax issue with the IRS. Payroll taxes are essential for funding Social Security, Medicare,...

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Get Your Payroll Tax Debt Under Control with IRS Form 433-B Assistance

GET YOUR PAYROLL TAX DEBT UNDER CONTROL WITH IRS FORM 433-B ASSISTANCEPayroll taxes are a critical responsibility for every business, and failure to pay them can lead to serious repercussions, including heavy penalties and IRS enforcement actions. If you're struggling...

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IRS Trust Fund Recovery Penalty

If you have the duty to collect and pay employment taxes, this article is a must read. Every time an employer pays an employee, they withhold a percentage for contributions for Medicare and Social Security, also known as FICA (Federal...

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